Summer valley School, Dehradun was established in 1994 as a co-educational English medium school. It is affiliated to the Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE), New Delhi. It runs classes from Class V to Class XII and LKG to Class IV runs on the associated Junior school Sun Valley School. The school aims at imparting liberal students who would learn and grow while keeping the rich cultural Indian heritage they come from in their minds. Summer Valley School expects to imbibe the best features of public schools such as discipline, spirit-de-corps, character building, physical development, spirit of chivalry, fair play and straight forwardness.
Producing students who are ready to explore the world they live in and march out with a high quality of education aimed at forming a character based on discipline, self-reliance and moral Integrity. Students are encouraged to inculcate the qualities of perseverance and intellectual curiosity and blend them with innovation in the pursuit of knowledge and education that will help them to stand on their own feet.
The school follows a six day week time table where it teaches a number of subjects to its students such as, art & craft, candle making, physical training, debating, quizzing, dramatics, poetry, music, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Sanskrit, General Knowledge and Computer Science.
The Summer valley School is very well facilitated with all of the modern facilities like.
Summer Valley School offers admission from LKG to Class IX and XI. Parents/Guardian needs to submit the registration form along with the fee at the school office. Admission in Summer valley School is done after an entrance test and an interview. The registration form is to be submitted with the following documents.
Contact Address of Summer valley School Dehradun for 2017 Admission and other Required Information.
Summer Valley School
18 Teg Bhadur Road