George Public School Dehradun is school in Dehradun established in 2006. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE), New Delhi and the medium of study is English. The school aims at ensuring that every child gets out with a a level of confidence that would help the child to grow and live a better life when they step out of the school. The school is the only school in the country which provides a platform to every child to join the Military school, Sainik school, RIMC and NDA.
Not just excelling in academics but the school also provides a wide range of extra curricular activities. Instilling in the students the basic human values and the approach to to social services. George Public School nurtures the child in every manner be it physical, intellectual or emotional.
The school divides its academic year in two terms- the first term is from April September while the second term starts from October to March. Each term has two Formative Assessment (FA) and one Summative Assessment (SA).
Formative Assessment (FA)- It acts as a tool in monitoring the learning process of the student. The student is accessed through orals Group Discussion GD’s and assignment.
Summative Assessment (SA)- This assessment is taken by the students at the end of each year to check the overall learning during the year.
Library- The school has ahuge library which is stocked up with a number of books, magazines and journals . The school has a rich library for each class which consists of 5 copies each of 10 to 15 titles suitable for different ages which instills and urges students to read.
Science and Computer Labs- The school has well equipped and separately facillitated labs for Computer, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The Computer Lab is well equipped with latest computers and printers.
The school offers registration and admission from Nursery to Class X from !st February for the session commencing in April of that year. Students seeking for an admission in Nursery will undergo an interview by the Principal while the other classes students are admitted on the basis of merit and availability of the seats.
No child less than 3 years of age is admitted in Nursery. Parents and Guardians are suppose to submit the Birth Certificate of the child for an admission in Nursery.
Contact Address of George Public School for 2018 Admission and Other Required Information
George Public School
Nimbuwala, Garhi Cantt